About Us

We are an Apostolic Sending Centre called to equip and transform God’s children who in turn, reform their spheres of influence.

We are a family transformed by the love of a good Father, called to host God’s presence. We are Avantgarde missionaries called to share the love of Christ and bring hope in every sphere we find ourselves.

We are laid down lovers of God, obsessed with Jesus and fully submitted to the leading of the Holy Spirit. We do this by raising spirit-filled worshippers who are grounded in the truth of God’s word and walk in radical obedience.

We currently have KC Expressions in three locations: Nigeria, UK and Kenya, (which comprises Eastern and Southern Africa).

Our mandate is to:

Build a Prophetic and Apostolic community of people who are transformed by the love of a good father.

Equip and deploy individuals to be national and global transformation agents and nation builders by functioning in their spheres of influence.

Transform Nigeria and the nations.

What we do

Provide a sanctuary for healing and building intimacy with the Father

Train and equip people for the work of transformation.

Deploy transformation agents to make an impact on the nations of the world.

Our core values

Honour is the way we affirm the value in everyone because they are created in God’s image. Looking at it from this perspective, it means that honour is not dependent on the other person’s status or even actions, but a response to knowing whom God says that he or she is.

Also, honour is not restricted to those who hold a leadership position over us. It is a value that should become a lifestyle within the entire community and outside of the Kingdom Community. We honour people and those who are close to them.

The quickest way to do this is to see people as God sees them. It is also important to note that the level of honour you have for a person will affect your ability to receive from the person.

From Matthew 23:25-26, we can see that Jesus wants us to drop self-centeredness and turn our focus to blessing others.

When we think of generosity, the first thought is usually money. But there are other currencies of the Kingdom that we are to be generous with. We have other resources such as love, time, kindness, friendships, and our words.

We need to understand that all of our resources are loaned to us by God and we are to be STEWARDS over them, only doing with them what God asks of us. God should be able to channel things through us.

We need to be SENSITIVE to the needs of others, from a kind word to time, love, or money.

We need to always be ready to SACRIFICE as instructed by God.

Finally, we can’t look to anyone else as our provider apart from God to be able to live a generous life. Generosity is an intimate walk with God that requires absolute trust in His goodness.

Also, honour is not restricted to those who hold a leadership position over us. It is a value that should become a lifestyle within the entire community and outside of the Kingdom Community. We honour people and those who are close to them.

The quickest way to do this is to see people as God sees them. It is also important to note that the level of honour you have for a person will affect your ability to receive from the person.

Service is what prayer looks like when it gets up off its knees and walks around in the world.'- Michael J. Graham, S.J

Love cannot exist without service! As a community, our earnest desire is to reveal God's love by serving others well.

As co-labourers with God, we are called to a life of service. Service is at the very heart of God. It is how He expresses His love to us and through us. From the beginning of creation till now, we have seen seen God's love manifested through His acts of Service.

In the garden of Eden, He served Adam and Eve. Jesus served the disciples while He walked the earth and the Holy Spirit continues to serve us while we walk the earth.

At the root of vulnerability is LOVE and TRUTH. These are the core and essence of Christianity.

Vulnerability is taking off the mask and allowing people to see you in your elements. The best place to start this is to learn vulnerability with God. We have to drop the ability to feel shame, and be able to stand naked and unashamed before the Father. We need that deep intimacy with God to be able to walk well with those God has placed in our lives for the journey of Christ.

With this intimacy, comes a death to self. The dead feel no shame. You can show yourself as you truly and as you grow through the process with God.

Without revealing your soul and identity, you can’t connect with other people. You’ll find it difficult to connect to partners and those God wants us to run with.

The starting point of building God’s kingdom is being true to who God says you are and where you are in your journey.

Freedom and responsibility are inseparable. The Holy Spirit makes us free from the chains of religion. Sadly, when people become free, many don’t understand the responsibility that comes with it.

We experience true freedom when we cooperate with the Holy Spirit to build self-control and use our freedom to bless others. We must remember that our freedom did come at a high cost, too valuable and priceless to be toyed with. Christ gave His life to give us this liberty and it must not be taken for granted.

As we get closer to the Holy Spirit, we don’t only partner with Him to operate in His gifts. We partner with Him to build our character and yield the fruit of the spirit.

All things are lawful but not all things are expedient.

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