Unlocking the Year of the Open Door: A Divine Call to Prayer in Peculiar Times

In the last few weeks, the posture of our heart as a community has leaned towards prayer and intercession. It all began with an invitation from God for us to ‘Come up higher.’

Today is Day 27 of us gathering to pray in the Spirit for 6 hours daily at the 3am Watch. If you have participated in the sessions at any point in time, you can attest to the great move of God and many victories we have won in the place of prayer.

Today, Pastor Emmanuel Dania shared these words in line with the prayer journey we have been on as a community.

While I was grooming our Alex (pet dog) earlier in the day I felt a stirring in my spirit which is a cue when the Holy Spirit is about to speak and heard Him say, ‘I need you to pay attention to what I am about to say to you. I am stoking the KC Nation prayerthon because of the peculiar times you are in at the  moment. I spoke to you about the year 5784 being the year of the Open Door.’

‘While many are expectant of great things to come, it is important to note that Israel celebrated Rosh Hashanah on the 21st day and on the 22nd day there was an open door to the enemy to afflict them with the worst attack since the Yom Kippur War in 1973 about 50 years ago. This has placed Israel on the war part with constant aerial, sea and ground bombardment of Gaza. What’s happening in Gaza is what is happening in the spirit…war war war.

The Holy Spirit began to reveal to me that just as it is an open door for good, it is also an open door for the enemy to attack us. So by the leading of the Holy Spirit, the 8 hours of praying in the spirit everyday is our offense and sustained bombardment against any attack of the enemy against us.

Why are we not praying in our understanding?

It is because the only way we can defeat the enemy. The year of the open door is to be led by the Spirit to attack from the air, sea, land etc. We are fortified to not just defend ourselves and family but to also crush the enemy and possess our possessions. What happened to Israel is likened to the Scripture that says “But while men slept, His enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.” The enemy gained entry into Israel like an open door.

This coming year being on the offensive will be our best form of defense. The wisdom of praying in the spirit is to cover every open door to the enemy. I felt the Lord stress the urgency and importance to stay in the place of prayer in this dispensation. The enemy the devil  prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour and that will not be anyone or any member of our families in Jesus name.

The Lord is calling us to understand the times we are in now….WAR!!. A time to fight the good fight of faith. A time to resist the devil in prayer and thanksgiving. If there is any time in your life to take back what is yours from generations it is now.

The Lord says, ‘This is the kind of prayer that changes the destiny of nations. If you will partner with me and stay the course you will have one encounter after another. An effectual door has been opened and there are many adversaries. For I know the adversaries and as you pray My will, I will arise as El – Gibbor. Your Victory is assured!’

He who has ears let him hear what the spirit says. 

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