

This is the year that we will HEAR the VOICE OF THE WIND. We’re going to hear the voice of the wind very clearly. Two key things you will see in the year 2023.
This is year 5783. The number three in the Jewish calendar is Gimel. Gimel means Camel, and wherever you see camels, it means provision is coming. The camels bring provision. It is a prophetic number and a prophetic name for provision, for the year of provision comes.

Go to your Gethsemane

Gethsemane is a place and a time where we spend time with God to get the strength, the anointing, the wisdom to do His will.

It is the place where Jesus made the declaration, not My will, but Your Will Father.

Just Enjoy the Journey…

“Just enjoy the journey”
It’s a fleeting whisper but I hear as
I lament again
And cry about what, why and how I feel

Now is our Season of Suddenly and Abundance!

This is the Season of Suddenly.

Things are shifting quickly and there is no time to rely on retrospection.

Set aside time for prayer and specifically pray over all of your senses…

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