We will call him ‘Jesse.’
Jesse was one of the treasures God had highlighted to one of us while we were praying and pressing in for downloads.
After we were done writing down the clues, we paired up and went into different parts of the mall. In between that time and 3pm, we found Jesse where he was attending to clients.
A member for the team struck up a conversation with him but only had his full attention when she told him explained the mission and showed him the map – Red shirt with afro hair and Heart.
After she shared the message she had received from God for him, he stared at her in shock. Here is why:
That day was 17th September, 2022… Jesse had made plans to engage in an illegal activity on 22nd September, 2022 which could have ended his life. He was in a dire financial strait. For a 26 year old, he was saddled with a lot of responsibilities which included taking care of his younger siblings. He had also lost a huge sum of money in FOREX Trade and was at his wits’ end. Interestingly, he was Christian.
He was in awe of the fact that God was mindful of him and had sent a stranger to restore hope and faith in him.
As we listened to Mrs S share the testimony, we all had the same question on our lips… ‘What would have happened if we had missed responding to God’s invitation to find His treasures that day?’
We went agog with excitement when we watched our first treasure walk into the mall shortly after we had written down the words, ‘A woman in green dress… on braids.’
Interestingly, it was the first time Mrs Jay was participating in a Treasure Hunt!
Accompanied by another member of the team, she shared the word God had given to the lady – Jehovah El Roi, the God who sees you.
The lady confirmed the word she has received and was truly grateful for the word. Mrs U. went on to declare God’s peace over her heart and emotions.
The scent of air fresheners… where do you find this? We thought to ourselves.
There was only place we knew we could find airfreshers. It was at Shoprite.
We entered the store and made our way to the far end where we found a man shopping at the air freshner aisle.
We walked up to him and made a introduction. Initially, he was seemed skeptical about why two young ladies would walk up to him in a store to strike up a conversation.
As the conversation progress, we offered to pray with him concerning the difficulties he had at work. Shortly after, he asked us to pray with him. He was Christian but hadn’t been on great terms with God.
We prayed with Him and asked the Father to give him a greater revelation of His love and glory.
At the end of the conversation, the man’s countenance had changed. He was excited and went on to buy some air freshners he never intended to get.